Stranger Things Trailer Countdown & Livestream
Stranger Things is Netflix’s biggest IP, and with that come some pretty hardcore fans. Season 3 premiered in 2019 and fans were itching for a new iteration of the series after nearly three years. Netflix wanted to quench their thirst by going big with a stunt, which would serve to alert fans to the trailer premiere, hype them for the upcoming release, offer plot easter eggs, and generally give bread crumbs of content before the show goes live in the summer.
| Outcome
Over 1.25+MM livestream views that helped yield 6MM trailer views in the first 24 hours
| Opportunity
Build a replica of the show’s Creel Clock (part of S4) and pluck it straight from the Upside Down, vines and all. Drop it in the middle of Santa Monica, CA and countdown to what promised to be an epic trailer
Produced with Deeplocal as Lead Sr Producer II for Netflix
The Activation had two main components happening concurrently throughout 24 hours. We had an on-the-ground activation were a bespoke grandfather clock appeared and it counted down the 24 hours on a livestream until the trailer was dropped.
The clock was a bespoke fabrication done to make it look like it was plucked straight out of the Upside Down – an evil parallel universe in the show. Wrapped in bloody vines and nether (spiderweb-like material) it glitched, groaned and fumed intermittently, with every hour on the hour having a major glitch moment directly tied to the livestream.
On-site we also had a rotation of Brand Ambassadors, who played scientists from the Hawkins National Lab from the show. Investigating the clock, the vines and interacting with fans and passerby on the Santa Monica Third Street Promenade.
The main part of this activation was the 24hour livestream. Every hour on the hour, the clock would glitch and groan, static would come on, and then a show clip would drop. Clips from all three seasons were used, in chronological order, as a way to seed anticipation and excitement for the trailer drop happening at the end of the countdown